I first posted about impedance-matched currencies over nine years ago, in Oct, 2015. But the idea was rolling around in my head for a couple of years prior, probably because of Orlin Grabbe. Back then I was saddled with the concept of a Bitcoin framework, scalability, mining and countries instead of US States. Notice these two posts are only three weeks apart:
To illustrate, let's look at the Euro. Imagine if you harness a donkey, a race horse, a turtle, a cat and a dog to pull a wagon. It's not going to work very well or efficiently, even if they cooperate.
People care most about what affects them locally), so we can imagine a system of Bitcoin derivatives, set to a scalability and mining algorithm which is impedance-mapped to each country's economic inertia:
In 2015, the U.S. dollar still looked viable, the BRICS countries hadn't been incited by dollar weaponization against Russia, the digital technology was immature and I hadn't come across the latest fad word, "parasocial".
As predicted in version 1 of my Gold Token paper in April, 2023.
At least 19 crypto/depository bills were proposed by State legislatures since my first mailing.
"There may soon be demand from State governments for R&D, prototyping and development of gold-backed digital currencies as described in Texas House Bill 1056 and House Bill 1049."
Notice the similarity of my 2015 scalability proposal and my recent BRICS system? The 2015 delegated some authority to currency exchange, the 2024 design is simpler and more flexible, the Realm/Country controls the exchange rate to some extent directly by how it manages foreign exchange pools, rate of currency and debt issuance, etc. All very theoretical right now.