Assume that social relationships are primarily localized and gradiate downward towards the periphery. Assume that economic transactions mimic social relationships. Assume that an impedance–matched token is an optimum economic model which mirrors economic transactions, which mirror social connections.

Except our national currency, the dollar, isn't impedance–matched to local economies anymore. The dollar is an increasingly dysfunctional parasocial relationship which transfers value from the majority of users to an elite minority, just as a celebrity profits from their fans with no knowledge or concern for them.
The government of the United States was a granularized structure which mirrored social geology:

But this pyramid has inverted over time, which is why tax money flows to other countries/people now with no direct benefit to taxpayers. And I am not the only observer of this. Actions have consequences.

But our leaders insist everything would be fine, if they could just get everyone to SHUT THE FUCK UP and obey.
