"Russia has proposed that BRICS member countries create their own precious metals exchange."
Very close to what I predicted and modeled here fourteen months ago.
"BRICS currency platform but also applicable to a set of State-based precious metal depositories running in parallel to the Federal Reserve. Many people expect a gold-backed digital currency from BRICS soon but I think the reality will be closer to this design."
SXS Currency Platform - 2023
Github Source Code Software design for a BRICS currency platform but also applicable to a set of State-based precious metal depositories running in parallel to the Federal Reserve. Many people expect a gold-backed digital currency from BRICS soon but I think the reality will be closer to this design. An

The BRICS countries can impedance-match their currency to their country but still support international spending.
Impedance Match
ParasocialPower Distribution law was part of LongTail theory in the early days of the Internet and my own Cultural Diffusion. “Parasocial relationships” are a modern transmutation of Power Law. The perils of P. Diddy are a present-day paradigm of the pitfalls of Parasocialism. What Is a Parasocial Relationship?Parasocial relationshipsbrowardbroward
