I was hunting down State legislative bills by hand for the past twenty months. ChatGBT mentioned "Plural Policy" and presto. An API which I automated today.
Open States provides a JSON API that can be used to programatically access state legislative information.
I found these today with it:
Michigan HB 6214 - the Michigan bullion depository and Michcoin act;
Indiana HB 1400 - to establish one or more bullion depositories
Kansas: SB 513 - the Kansas bullion depository act,
Nebraska: LB649 - Nebraska Financial Innovation Act
New Jersey: S 1304 -digital Asset and Blockchain Technology Act
New Jersey: S 1618 - review and approve digital payment platform
Virginia: HJ 30 - Blockchain technology & cryptocurrency subcommittee
Georgia - HB1043 - Blockchain Basics Act; enact
South Carolina - S 1039 - Blockchain Basic Bill
New York - S 8136 - cryptocurrency and blockchain study task force
And these courtesy of ChatGBT:
Council of State Governments (CSG)
National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)
American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)
National Governors Association (NGA)
National Association of Counties (NACo)
League of Cities (NLC)
Western National Governors Association
