2023-2024: Wrote and distributed the gold token white paper to almost 250 representatives in 35 States. Since that distribution, at least 15 States filed gold depository legislation.
2018: Created a fintech/stablecoin MVP in 100 days with AWS/java and ethereum, wrote 75% of beta release, company received $7.7 million on my design and $13 million in 2021.
2017: Wrote an analytics system in AWS Redshift processing 300 million records per day.
2008: Letter of commendation from Boeing director
2005-7: DEFCON presentations on data-mining, predictive analytics and memetic manipulations (like Cambridge Analytica strategy in the 2016 election):
2004-2010: Created RealMeme.com, the basis for Google’s Trends tool

2003: Code review and testing of the Digital Money Trust, a Bitcoin predecessor.
2001: Avnet CM’s first J2EE app, Quote2Order ($1.5 billion in orders in 1st year).
1996: Letter Of Commendation from U.S. Secretary of Transportation for ASPEN mobile app.

1994: BSU Student Employee Of the Year for ASPEN & ISS, one of the first mobile systems for USDOT with predictive analytics (Inspection Selection System) which was quite successful (abstract, pg iv).
