I predicted an impending US Stalinist era seven months ago, an intuitive and dicey call (not my usual style) ...

But today it's percolating along nicely. Facebook and Biden admin conspired to censor conservatives (textbook definition of "fascism" and foreshadowing of 2020 election manipulation) and tonight's most excellent re-enactment of history as Biden declared war on people who own firearms...

That photo is unedited. Right out of 1933. Wow. Just wow.
In 1933, Jews were 1% of Germany's citizens and an easy target. Joe's biting off a much larger chunk, probably 20-25% and 50% of the remainder are not Joe fans. Which leaves a 1:1 ratio at best. As a rule of thumb, you need a 3x-4x size advantage to defeat a defensive target.
False flag attacks were a favorite Nazi tactic. The Reichstag fire is well known and Gleiwitz was "part of a series of covert actions along the Polish border that the Nazis would use to justify Germany’s attack on Poland the following day".
Hitler gave speeches to condition people for attacks, then ordered those attacks himself. This speech smells suspicious and I'll toss out another impulsive, low-probability prediction - there will be a high visibility event blamed on conservatives before the November elections.
That's the danger of echo chambers. You start believing your own smoke and mirrors.