No doubt these people believe they're "saving the world" but what they've done is elect Decepticons and aligned leadership against the majority. Few Americans "wished for decades" to get 87,000 armed IRS agents, a rogue FBI, a COVID death coverup, Ukraine as a money laundering vassal, a tax increase, Afghan debacle, 10% inflation, a war with Russia or a mafioso shakedown of Taiwan (wow, has it really only been 19 months?)
"In an unlisted YouTube video posted to DemCast’s YouTube channel, co-founder and director of DemCast strategy, Lori Coleman, details a major function of DemCast’s strategy — using thousands of private chatrooms to artificially amplify messaging on the platform, garnering millions of impressions, artificially amplifying content to sway public opinion."
Demcast helped create a timebomb which began going off this week. I presented the basic strategy in 2007 at DEFCON 15 after realizing it's an ethically flawed path. But I was pretty sure others would eventually indulge their hubris.
"The road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions".
