To Board of Trustees, Dean and Staff:
I am filing a formal complaint against Dr. Steven Albert for his recent testimony regarding Dr. Bhattacharya’s nomination, which is either blatantly ignorant or deliberate lies.
The Congressional Twitter hearings in 2023 clearly established that multiple Federal agencies were illegally using Twitter’s internal systems to quash all vaccine dissent.
Here's a quick refresher on what a conspiracy is, in case Dr Albert hasn't figured it out over the past sixty years...
The insurance companies reported in early 2022 the massive covid vaccine losses they would have to compensate for. Please note that these losses did NOT occur in 2020 during the actual pandemic but only started in the 3rd/4th quarter of 2021 after the vaccine became widespread.
Harboring Albert is your business. I and my sister both worked for major universities so please, no replies because I've already had my fill of self-serving, ass-covering bullshit. This letter is going up on my public website so it can be referenced by others who might wish to sue you in the future for malfeasance and lack of oversight. Everyone is tired of the lies.
