Censorship repeal plan from Trump. Most of the Left don't even know this video is out because they live in a self-censoring echo chamber. And that's why they don't understand what is happening.
This post from 2019 describes how coordinated the MSM and social media were in suppressing and distorting information about the Q phenomenon.
coordinated action across many media simultaneously, almost uniformly negative with trigger keywords like "insane", "dangerous", "violent".

Most Leftists never read the Q posts or they'd know they contain no racism or violence but they blindly accepted the MSM lies. Maybe you should read the Q posts for yourself instead of being herded like a cow.
Most DUniers don't know about the Congressional Twitter hearings, either.

I expect the DUniers to cling to increasingly dubious conspiracies and "commentary" while ignoring items like this Trump video or Twitter hearings. As the site dwindles in relevance like CNN and MSNBC. And hey...
you Demcast shills might get your passport in order before you can't.