Endgame: US Federal Debt Interest Payments About To Hit $1 Trillion
Do you see what happens Larry when go full MMTard?

ZeroHedge confirms my guesstimate last month of $1.4 trillion in interest payments by 2025 (their estimate is $1.3 trillion within 12 months).

Now let's assume the 10-year treasury reaches the same rate as today's 3-month treasury (5.24%) and use the same basis from 2021 - $575B interest at 1.6%.

($575B x (5.24/1.6) X 10% growth since 2021) = $2.07 trillion

The debt would be compounding by $3 trillion per year (current deficit of $1 trillion + $2 trillion in interest)

From my gold-backed digital currency paper:

Economic Forces
Overview The fiat US Dollar is already older than all fiats of the past several hundred years and contrary forces are building against it. Russia and China have planned for its end since 2009, it’s aging as the world reserve currency, and the current Federal debt is unsustainable. Gold Standard