I was caught
In the middle of a railroad track
I looked 'round
And I knew there was no turning back
My mind raced
And I thought, what could I do?
And I knew
There was no help, no help from you

Sound of the drums
Beating in my heart
The thunder of guns
Tore me apart

You've been Thunderstruck

"According to Farmers' Almanac, the cities with the most thunderstorms in the United States in January 2024 were:

  1. Fort Myers, Florida: 89 thunderstorms
  2. Tampa, Florida: 87 thunderstorms
  3. Tallahassee, Florida: 83 thunderstorms"

Boise would be an excellent location except for Mormon backstabbers, as I and my sister learned to our woe. You don't want them near your back if things go south.


There are two broad methods to crash a system - Too much information or too little. A network can be crashed by overloading it with too much traffic. A political system can be crashed by censoring important information... like the fact that the president isn't coherent. Later comes Systemic Failure with the selfishness and dishonesty of the deceivers revealed to the swindled crowd.

Systemic Failure
The most interesting part of a system is how it filters input. A filter must strike a balance between blocking malicious data but passing relevant data about external threats and hacking is about understanding these filters. A lax filter allows malicious agents/code to gain control but a strict filter

The shock frees up mental bandwidth and makes people more mentally malleable.

Election Hacking 101 - 2007
My 2007 DEFCON presentation refers to “active” vs “passive” devices in data mining and manipulating mental states. That’s what Cambridge Analytica did in the 2016 Presidential election. My theory starts at the 32 minute mark of this video: Just re-watched this. Wow, I really hit this one out of the
