I haven't written about the COVID vaccine lately because I no longer consider it debatable, although unfavorable news is still censored. It's a depopulation scheme or a haphazard cash grab (perhaps both to different groups of conspirators) and has killed and crippled more people than COVID. Kansas State, in conjunction with other States, has finally filed a class-action suit against Pfizer. The lawsuit floodgates are open. A collection of a few happenings...
- Kansas lawsuit against Pfizer for fraud and conspiracy
- COVID vax causes dementia
- Court of Appeals affirms the vax is not a vaccine
- Cancer rates still rising at 30% per year
- Extensive study: mRNA vaccines are 3.4x more lethal than COVID
- Myocarditis increase is from the vaccine, not "long COVID"
- Japan Interior Minister apologizes for likely millions of vax deaths