Twitter code confirms that Twitter was a corporate sheepskin covering a pack of Federal wolves involved in election fraud.
Sheepskin: "Sheepskin refers to the parchment that a college degree is printed on"

Twitter Jira
The MSM and social media giants are, predictably, ignoring the Congressional Twitter hearings as much as possible but so far, I’m only surprised by one revelation. Nope, not the tacit conspiracy with the FBI. Not the child porn and implied pedophilia. Not the internal FBI unit. Not the evasion…

Twitter and Fraud
My conjecture in May [] wasthat Twitter used click fraud to create an illusion of profit in the 1stquarter, thus denying Donald Trump any satisfaction from an income drop. Sowhat do we see this month? Ooops. Apparently income was “m…

Twitter Porn
My prediction one week ago... I imagine we’ll get some Epstein-style action and blackmail a little further out. And here it is on schedule. One benefit and disappointment of getting old is that real surprises dwindle away. I wasn’t going to say anything but @elonmusk has agreed to pop
