I was employee #135 at Saleslogix in 1998 and we had 700 people by 2000.  My net worth rose from $30K to $470K and I became architect for a successful followup product which paid for itself in ten months.   It's still in use and probably earned $50 to $100 million.  But then the Dot Com boom ended, stock market crashed  and SLGX ran out of cash.

Last week I found an almost new SLGX cap for $9 so I added it to my collection.

Similarities of SLGX to Twitter:

  • never earned a profit in six years
  • the stock skyrocketed 100% its first year
  • egotism superseded business sense
  • cashflow forced the owners into a buyout
  • new owners took the company private
  • about 70-80% layoff in 2001

And like Twitter, the company did some sketchy stuff to boost the stock price.   Elon's making legal noises now so I suspect click-fraud against Twitter's own advertisers will be exposed and it appears the C-officer payday is canceled "for cause".   But we might also see references to election fraud and collusion with the State department.   Elon's got all the data now.