This was part of a  presentation to migrate a complex health-care app from 300 server-side JSP pages to an ExtJS UI (React forerunner).    Description of each slide -

  • Current JSP state
  • JSP issues of multiple controllers ("SAVE" buttons)
  • JSP issues of data duplication in each module
  • Add two new modules using ExtJS, Diagnosis and Provider
  • Data is now stored on client-side
  • Migrate JSP pages (Member, SOE, Procedure) to client data source
  • End result is singular data source and single SAVE procedure.

I and another consultant worked on this proposal for three months and it's deceptively simple.  We had a dozen competing proposals to research, real business requirements to define, understand the current application and its deficiencies,  tool approvals, animosity between the architect team and development team, etc.   I was the primary advocate for final approval of this $4 million makeover  and worked with the development team for six months building it.