project May 26, 2014 Model-Driven Node: Scalability Most developers think technical spec when they read scalability. Node.js's claim to fame is...
project May 25, 2014 Model-Driven Node: XJC Compiler My code generation tool originally used xjc-generated java classes. I tried to remove that dependency with Velocity&...
project May 24, 2014 Model-Driven Node: Extending XSD Schema I wanted a better way to bind node-specific behavior to xsd elements. Right now, the jax-rs annotations...
project May 22, 2014 Model-Driven Node: Object Graph Impedance Node.js purists may question this synthesis of java tooling and node.js but I'm...
project May 22, 2014 Model-Driven Node: Multi-tenant Organizations often have industry-specific interoperability requirements. For instance, the electronics industry has an interoperability specification, RosettaNet, for...
project May 21, 2014 Model-Driven Node: Part 1 - 2013 I'm turning Marshall McLuhan on his head. In 2013, the message is now the medium!...