gold token December 27, 2023 I Set My Meme In Motion "It is by will alone I set my meme in motion. It is by the juice...
bitcoin November 13, 2023 Mempool Redux Mempool filling up again, similar to April to September when it peaked around a 6% loss rate....
economics October 30, 2023 Eject The Kondratiev Wave, otherwise known as the Credit cycle, K-Wave, or Debt cycle. We're currently...
economics October 19, 2023 Under Construction On Sept 29th, I described the discrepancies of the Federal Interest Payment page. I'm happy...
economics September 29, 2023 Interest Discrepancies Discrepancies in the Federal Interest Payment webpage. The first image is from Sept 29, the second from...
stalin September 15, 2023 Federal Interest Graph This interest payment graph went vertical after the 2020 election. Federal government current expenditures: Interest paymentsFederal government...