The irony of liberals touting diversity while embracing and using a monetary monoculture, i.e. the Federal Reserve. Real diversity would be regional money driven by regional factors, with multiple systems bound together in a flexible framework of asymmetrical exchange rates.

Asymmetrical rates act like a geared transmission, allowing dissimilar systems to transact in real-time and should be a natural segue for debt accumulation and distribution as a deferred system.
I'm originally an electronics tech, but over time I've learned that electronics, HVAC, water delivery, monetary systems are all similar in terms of flow control, impedance, capacitance, etc. Asymmetrical exchange rates are proxies for voltage, transmitted money is electric current, debt is capacitance.
In the P2P system, the exchange rates are a negotiated contract between two entities in terms of current monetary base, rate of money creation, real and projected economic growth, desired real time rate, rate of debt accumulation as a real time rate modifier. Etc. I can build a basic system but eventually a real financial / economics expert would need to refine it for better accuracy.
That's how I created the FHWA ISS system with Brenda Lantz as our SME for statistical analysis, thirty years ago, with net savings of $60 million in reduced accidents in its first year. Wow. Back when I still had hair and no holes in my head.