Time to check in on Federal interest payments again.
Their last "quarterly" update was 200 days ago and it's easy to see why.

I expect a big bundle of surprises await Team Trump, like real interest payments of $1.5 trillion, real budget deficit over $3 trillion, off-book loans holding the banking system together and unreported monetization of debt.
Like all things Biden, the official numbers are no longer trustworthy.
Interest Discrepancies
Discrepancies in the Federal Interest Payment webpage. The first image is from Sept 29, the second from Sept 15 when I blogged an entry about this payment data during the Age of Joe “Stalin” Biden. The page was updated on 8-28, but the data is timestamped “4-1-2023″, the same as

Federal Interest Payments, Redux
My previous commentary on dysfunctions with the Federal Interest Payment website. The data was finally updated after 205 days but other suspicions arose. Rate of increase in interest payments fell in the last two quarters, in spite of an additional $1.1 trillion in debt ($32.3T to $33.4T)

Federal Interest Payments, Tredux
Federal Interest Payments, ReduxMy previous commentary on dysfunctions with the Federal Interest Payment website. The data was finally updated after 205 days but other suspicions arose. Rate of increase in interest payments fell in the last two quarters, in spite of an additional $1.1 trillion in debt ($32.3T
