Hubris is the deadliest sin because it often masquerades as virtue.
The hysterical reaction of anti-Trumpers was predictable and I foreshadowed it here for over two years. Companies like Demcast created a mental timebomb through their dishonest strategies (from August 16, 2022):

A substantial portion of my 2017 DEFCON proposal describes how Trump uses hubris like a ninja uses nunchucks but the "woke" DEFCON reviewers rejected my presentation. Well, here it is, pretty much as predicted, punks!
In Aug, 2023, I described two methods to create systemic failure. Overloading information and censoring information. Well, here we are, punks!.

Religion is an optimized attack surface against memetic infections. Most of these shriekers live in digital echo chambers which amplify (Demcast's word, not mine ) egotism in order to sell products. My first ego disease epiphany was at The Fez in Portland, 2014, which closed a few weeks later. Sometimes I wonder if that was a coincidence or a sign.

Most of the US population still has no idea of what's really going on, which is a re-enactment of Andrew Jackson's Bank War. I put oblique references in the 2017 DEFCON proposal, which, once again, was rejected for political incorrectness.

If you were here
I could deceive you
And if you were here
You would believe