Selling some of my father's remaining legacy tomorrow. He taught me to shoot at eleven and gave me a 1911 to keep in my room. Later, I qualified as Army expert rifleman with my left eye, as my right doesn't work so well.

He and his three brothers were charter members of the Southwest Pistol League (SWPL), which 99.9% of Americans don't recognize but they developed the handgun techniques you see on television now. The two-handed hold, the flashlight/gun in crossed fists, etc. I grew up at pistol matches surrounded by Jeff Cooper, Michael Harries, Jack Weaver, etc.

The Handgun Elite.

I had dinner with Michael Harries just before I left Los Angeles, and then he died a few months later. We disagreed on the Semmerling LM4 which he thought ridiculous but excited me. He'd be livid about me carrying a Ruger LCP II in 22lr. chuckle.gif

The Mozambigue Drill (developed by Jeff Cooper) in a Miami Vice episode but this is a real-life SWPL shooter and what a real shoot looks like...

One of my uncles, dead now, too...

"Michael Horne, who was the match director of 
the Soldier of Fortune 3 Gun match from 1985 
until 2000, died peacefully in his sleep last 
night. Michael was former director of the 
Southwest Pistol League and for many years 
an instructor at Gunsite."

People say the Internet is forever but it's not.
It just takes longer for people to forget and pages to be deleted.

"All those moments will be lost in time, 
like tears in rain." - Blade Runner