is a hate / disinformation site now, although few members realize it. The threads are mostly about why they hate Trump, how much they hate Trump and sabotaging or slandering Trump.
They repeat slander that Trump is an insurrectionist, although he was never charged or convicted of that.
They repeat slander that Trump is a rapist, although he was never charged or convicted of that, either.
And they're proud of felony charges which were originally tax misdemeanors until the Left tried to rig the election. They're filled with hate, care little about truth despite their claims of moral superiority and offer little political or policy insight.
Their projection is mind-boggling, too. They project their greed onto Trump, project their attempts to rig the election onto Trump, etc. Almost everything they accuse Trump of, Biden was doing for the past four years. Their lack of self-awareness is awe-inspiring in a sick, twisted way.
Sometimes I consider re-creating my account to goof with them, like Elon tonight with Nazi salutes. They're too hubris-bound to realize he's yanking their chain and twenty threads of outrage appeared within minutes while everyone else chuckled.
The far left is probably self-destructing from hubris and seem quite clueless about it, so perhaps I shouldn't interfere with their fate. My gut feeling for the 2026 elections is that the Left will lose more ground because they can't break out of this self-destructive spiral. Only Fetterman seems rational and they curse him for it.
And so they dwindle away, shrieking, into irrelevance.