Most residents tend to forget that Los Angeles is a desert. I was born in Long Beach and left L.A. in 1990 on my father's advice.
Why should you care?
Because my father designed many of the water pipelines which supply most of L.A.'s water (Colorado river and California aqueduct). He was an architect at Metropolitan Water District (MWD) for thirty years, retired to Idaho in 1989 and told me then,
"You don't want to stay in L.A. Water will always be a problem here."

The history of MWD and Department of Water Resources is a forty-year struggle to maintain an adequate water supply, often barely one step ahead of population growth.
My dad made the call too early but eventually he was right. You can choose lies which temporarily feel good or a disturbing truth which might skirt disaster. Fragile and complex environments fail easier from magical (DEI) thinking and L.A. is today's textbook example.
Congratulations on replacing the "evil patriarchy", girls!.
(don't drink it all, you may need to put out a fire)
Here's the latest DEI mistake. I've done hands-on with around fifty software projects and proposals and I've seen this sort of outcome several times.

If DEI wasn't dying before, it certainly is after this week.
An absolute avalanche of lawsuits coming.
Newsom's "balanced budget" was already a sad and transparent joke but this should rip the camouflage off of it.
