I've learned a lot in thirty years about software but also about deception, resentment and sabotage.

I've conducted perhaps 300 job interviews since 1994. But the Sultan was the first to request a female hire. I asked why and he shrugged. He was new to software and startups so I explained it reduces our candidates by 85%, and almost guarantees we won't hire the best choice.
But he insisted so we hired a 22-year-old woman with 3 years of experience.

We had no female candidates for our second hire.
The Sultan fast-tracked "Web Boy" for our third hire. I knew something was up when we shook hands because he flinched and his face flashed guilt. A lightbulb went off the next week. Ah, yes, he's my replacement.
Then the Sultan switched tactics, giving me only a short list of "top candidates" for our next hire; a strong woman and three weak men so we hired her. Later I received a followup call from a much better male candidate and realized Sultan gamed our hiring process to bag his next chick.
He switched tactics again with a beautiful blonde candidate as an intern. By now, 7 of our 12 staff were young, attractive women. Our business proposal was rejected by fifty venture capital firms, Web Boy was undermining me, I'm doing diversity hire cleanup and an intern with zero experience. I quit the next day, telling the owner I didn't sign up to manage a harem.

Later that year, the Sultan and/or Web Boy broke into my Gmail account several times. You know IP addresses are recorded by Google, right, boys? They probably restored a backup I'd left and until today, only we three knew.
Luckily (or perhaps shrewdly), I moved my important info out of Gmail in 2014, I use it only for job interviews and cam girls now so at least they got some hot porn.

I signed up to write software. What's amazing about the past thirty years is how often I deal with NONSENSE like this instead of software.