State Depository Token Platform - 2025
A State Depository Token (SDT) platform issues tokens backed by the US dollar and alternative tokens backed by gold or other value systems such as a Bitcoin reserve. Dollar tokens are legally restricted by Federal money laundering laws, but the alternative tokens can act as a cash-equivalent subject to State laws.
My goal is to create this system via State funding‚ grants‚ consulting, etc. My background is eclectic and spans startups‚ corporations‚ State and Federal systems for 35 years.
I’m designing and coding a prototype system, hopefully to demo at the NCSL summit in August.
The Euro is somewhat like harnessing a horse, a mule, a dog and a turtle to pull a wagon. A "one size fits all" strategy creates stresses because regions have different resources, skills, goals. Most economic transactions are local and an SDT would be controlled regionally to meet regional conditions.
Components defined and justified for the SDT Platform:
ACH, KYC & AML: 3rd-party API development
Language: Python ver 3.9 - Ubuntu install
Blockchain: Quorum - QuickStart, Features
Database: AWS RDS
ORM: Prototype with Django
Transport: AWS Lambda
Security: MPC Library mpyc
Queue: AWS SQS
Vault: AWS Nitro Enclave
Schema: OpenAPI - Editor
Stablecoin: Custom work to extend Quorum
Depositories: Some proprietary API work
Config Management: SimpleJson
Integration Testing: Test out Localsource
Other Tools: Misc
- ChatGPT creates schemas, SQL DDL, REST apis and python API code.
- Client requests a transaction_id.
- Client sends a signed EDDSA transaction.
- REST API accepts the message and queues it to SQS
- API pulls from queue and submits transaction to Blockchain Module.
- Blockchain Module validates and returns result to API.
- API returns result to client.
- API updates depositories.
- MPC Library generates/distributes key shards to three locations.
- API submits transaction to Blockchain Module.
- MPC Library retrieves shards and assembles key.
- MPC Library validates transaction.
- MPC Library writes a chain entry to Quorum.
- Block Module returns result to API.
Three Separate security systems:
- API/Transport layer uses EDSSA signed messages with client public keys referenced by user_id.
- Secrets Store holds access data for internal systems such as RDS.
- MPC Library uses Shamir’s Secret Sharing for key sharding and transaction validation.