I Set My Meme In Motion
"It is by will alone I set my meme in motion.
It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed,
the lips acquire stains,
the stains become a warning.
It is by will alone I set my meme in motion."
Unconventional Manipulation of Information (UMI) - 2023
The terminology is from my DEFCON presentations. I was specific in using “UMI” because it lacks the legal violations of traditional “hacking”. And as many now know, the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections were dosed with UMI. The basis of UMI was my version of Schramm, the Reflective Schramm model.
I love it when a plan comes together. There’s probably three or four remaining State senate mailings for the right time and some flanking actions to ponder. I only hit the 17 most receptive States and only the top four or five representatives. OK‚ FL and MO were in my list and the effect is visible in Google trends. Biden and math are on my side.
Notice the icon on the SchiffGold article?
Gold-backed Digital Currency White Paper - 2023
Broward Horne, browardhorne@gmail.com https://broward.ghost.io/ I’m a software developer with 30+ years of experience. There may soon be demand from State governments for R&D, prototyping and development of gold-backed digital currencies as described in Texas bills S.B. No. 2334 and H.B. No. 4903.
Bills Filed in Oklahoma and Florida Would Create State Bullion Depositories | SchiffGold
SchiffGold is precious metals dealer specializing in gold and silver bullion.
Economist Kevin Freeman on Coming Total Economic Collapse, Role of Gold-Backed Currency Legislation to Avert Catastrophe
More on DailyClout
U.S. States Make Bold Move to Reclassify Gold and Silver | OilPrice.com
Bills introduced in the Oklahoma and Missouri legislatures aim to eliminate state capital gains taxes on gold and silver, treating them as money rather than commodities.