D.U. Stew

DemocraticUnderground.com still bumbling around, trying to figure out what's happening, why, and how to stop it. Poor saps. This is what happens when you live inside a pleasant Echo Chamber.

DU Talking Points:

"Trump's hostile takeover": The hostile takeover was four years ago when Democrats flooded the country with immigrants, using them as hapless tools to rig elections.

"Why aren't my senators reacting?": Because they're already teetering on the edge of treason charges. What did you think the pardons were for? Trump is leaving them in place for now, on purpose, because they're paralyzed with fear and guilt.

"Elon's people are wrecking the Treasury": It's already wrecked, Biden's people began gaming the numbers at least since Sept of 2023.

"Will I get black-sited to El Salvador?": No, it's too expensive. That's what the guillotines are for.

"Trump is looting the country!": Sorry, but Biden beat him to the punch. Zelensky wants to know where his remaining $100 billion went.

"Where can I shop now that I'm boycotting all stores?": Try Goodwill!

"It's urgent you tune into Don Lemon!": OMG, how sad is this?.

"We'll shut down Federal funding!":

"I canceled Washington Post, L.A. Times, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Amazon and TikTok. Is there any other site besides Bluesky?": StormFront, they believe in slavery, too.

"Warning from Nathan Tankus!": Nathan is a 32 year old journalist dropout with no experience in software development. Elon's 19-year-old knows ten times more than he does.

"Shut down the city, we are at war!": An excellent idea! You can teach Elon an even harsher lesson if you burn your city down, LaMonica!

"Why is this happening to me?": Debtors never believe debt matters until they're dangling over a vat of acid.

Welcome to The Vat, DUers!

Biden’s Real Inauguration
It looks like Trump will be releasing a lot of unpleasant facts upon Democrat voters who were happy to be lied to, so I’ll add this. Biden’s 2021 inauguration was faked. A team of people recorded and spliced together video of the rehearsals on Jan. 17th and 18th. The television