I am just seething. I’m so angry I could scream! - Democratic Underground Forums
DemocraticUnderground.com must have the dumbest audience on Earth. They still can't accept that Biden barely functioned in 2020 and that they were duped for the past four years, starting with the fake inauguration.
The Inauguration Was Fake
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 2021 inauguration was faked. The pictures above of Jill Biden’s shoes are
just one of many continuity errors in the weather, object placements, audience
members, speech slurs, timestamp gaps, falling parade hats and 21 gun salute. Rehearsals were scheduled for Sunday and Monday (Jan 17th and 18th) but
It's like an endless replay of the worst episode of "Beavis And Butthead".
It makes me feel a bit ill. Well, maybe that's partly the spider bite