Derek Flint right again!
Leaving WA
I like the weather in Washington State and planned to retire there. Here’s a quick example of why I left this year, though. The Progressives believe they are single-handedly “saving Earth”, but unless they can also prevent China, Africa and India from adding another 100 million people each year, it’s
Eject Revue
I started the Eject Project almost exactly one year ago. And surprisingly, it’s gone almost exactly to plan, except for moving my mom and contractor delays. EjectThe Kondratiev Wave, otherwise known as the Credit cycle, K-Wave, or Debt cycle. We’re currently near the trough of the wave, defined in
The Kondratiev Wave, otherwise known as the Credit cycle, K-Wave, or Debt cycle. We’re currently near the trough of the wave, defined in the previous cycle by the Great Depression and World War 2. This cycle’s bankruptcy and war seem rather obvious now. Credit Cycle - 2022In 1991, I read