Regression Analysis

Last month's vax entry estimated 38K vax deaths per month. This month, Ethical Skeptic's "excessive deaths" rose to 10,600 per week, or 45K per month, so we're closing in on my 100K per month guesstimate.  

IgG4 Antibody Class Switch  is a steep technical description of how the COVID vaccine disrupts immunity.   The "short explanation" section is a dismal read.  The author believes the vaccine will eventually nullify immunity and suppress normal signs of sickness so you just drop dead without warning, as we've witnessed sporadically in 2022.

I originally expected the death rate to top out at 1 million to 3 million per year.  But after reading this "IgG4" paper and a new life insurance report, I may have been too optimistic.  According to this actuary, each COVID vaccination increases death rate by 7%, and also increases the chances of getting COVID.

The 2022 life insurance excess deaths were already in the 35% range so this report may be too conservative.

There was also a dubious report that Germany reached 70% increase in excess deaths.   Applied to the US population, that would be 2.3 million deaths annually.