Ruger LCP
My father started carrying a Keltec 380 in his late 50s and it always bothered me a bit. It was so cheap and unreliable. I sold it after I inherited it in 2017 but lately I'm understanding his logic. It's cheap so... not a huge loss if it's lost, stolen or confiscated and it only weighed 10 ozs or so. You can drop it in your back jeans pocket in one second and it's unobtrusive.
It inspired my own experiment in insanity based on "Tunnel In The Sky":
"Rod, acting on his older sister's advice, takes
hunting knives and basic survival gear, but no
high-tech weaponry, on the grounds that the
latter could make him overconfident"
A Ruger LCP II in 22lr, which weighs 11 ozs and has an even poorer track record in stopping power and reliability.
But it sure is easy to carry and shoot. My first test group at 20ft, using my reading glasses because I forgot my driving glasses. That's pretty damn good considering I rarely shoot, I'm adding a laser which should shrink the grouping in half.