Gitmo Ho!

Today I think Biden's pardons won't do much for Team Biden.

Most people never read the actual Q posts, they simply accepted the MSM lies. I read perhaps half of the 5,000 messages and the author clearly had access to non-public information, which is probably why it gained 30 million followers at its peak.

I wasn't fanatical enough to memorize it, though, so these Q references to Catherine Herridge surprised me...

Catherine Herridge and “Follow the pen” - GreatAwakening
Definition of pen- an instrument for writing or drawing with ink, typically consisting of a metal nib or ball, or a nylo

Yesterday her presence at Guantanamo Bay caught my attention, as Gitmo is a common theme in the Q drops. And then this today...

"Catherine mentioned that they cant talk 
about whats going on in Guantanamo at the 
moment due to national security concerns 
and that she is going to be reporting 
on trials there soon."